Wise County Domestic Violence Task Force was organized in 1997 as a grassroots organization to address the needs surrounding violence against women in Wise County and its rural communities.  A 501(c)3 entity, the agency opened on August 2, 1999 with one part-time employee funded by a United Way allocation.  The agency now known as Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center since 2007 has grown to a staff of 20, hundreds of active volunteers, a 4,800 square foot shelter, Outreach Offices in Decatur, Jacksboro and Bowie, and a thrift store and an excess of $750,000 in annual funding.

Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center is dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive services to any person impacted by rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking while partnering with our community to promote safety, healing, and prevention.